In the year 2017, till now, 6 Bollywood films have been able to cross the 100 Crore mark in the box office. Prabhas starred ‘Baahubali 2: The Conclusion’, which was released on April 28, has so far earned the highest grossing film of the year with a revenue of Rs 511 crore. Today we are going to tell you about the top 10 Highest-grossing bollywood movies of 2017.
Rank | Title | Distributor | India Collection |
1 | Baahubali 2: The Conclusion | Arka Media Works(Telugu), Dharma Productions(Hindi), K Productions(Tamil), Global United Media(Malayalam) | Rs. 511 Cr. |
2 | Raees (film) | Red Chillies Entertainment | Rs. 139 Cr. |
3 | Kaabil | Filmkraft Productions Pvt. Ltd & B4U Motion Pictures | Rs. 126 Cr. |
4 | Tubelight | NH Studioz | Rs. 121 Cr. |
5 | Jolly LLB 2 | Fox Star Studios | Rs. 116.92 Cr. |
6 | Badrinath Ki Dulhania | Dharma Productions | Rs. 116 Cr. |
7 | Hindi Medium | T-Series | Rs. 68 Cr. |
8 | Half Girlfriend (film) | Balaji Motion Pictures & NH Studioz | Rs. 60 Cr. |
9 | Sachin: A Billion Dreams | Rs. 50 Cr. | |
10 | Jagga Jasoos | UTV Motion Pictures | Rs. 40 Cr. |
wow awesome